Musical instruments in Indonesia are divided into two types, namely traditional musical instruments and modern musical instruments, which in this study will be discussed with more than ten musical instruments. Today, there are still many Indonesian people who do not know traditional musical... Selengkapnya
Investment is a familiar thing, especially for millennials, now investment can be done easily only with a smartphone, through applications on the Google Play Store, you can invest. But these apps have the highest downloads and high ratings on the Google Play Store. Many stock investing apps have... Selengkapnya
Currently, futsal, mini soccer and football are becoming more popular in Indonesia. Many field owners rent out their fields to players at a fairly affordable price. Besides, there are several football courses in various cities. However, there are still many problems for players and field managers,... Selengkapnya
Transformasi kebiasaan baru sejak munculnya pandemi coronavirus disease 2019 atau sering disebut COVID-19 memberikan perubahan pada banyak aspek kehidupan salah satunya pendidikan. Kegiatan belajar mengajar yang sebelum berlangsung secara tatap muka harus digantikan secara online. Seluruh jenjang... Selengkapnya
Music is one of the fields that has many enthusiasts in Indonesia. This is because music has a lot of good influence on the Indonesian people. Of course, every Indonesian people's tastes in music are different, and sometimes there are always people who don't recognize the genre of music because... Selengkapnya
Technology is a part of industrial revolution that can make human easier to receipt informations and news. In 2019, 63,3% Indonesian people already have personal smartphone and owning a smartphone can indicate an accelerator to getting news. But it is an opportonity for irresponsible people to... Selengkapnya
Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) is an Indonesian state-owned bank; the operations of the bank certainly aim to provide satisfaction to customers. This can be realized by quickly responding to the bank's response to complaints. The number of complaints received by BRI banks to date is large, but the... Selengkapnya
-Strategy against the spread of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia by enacting Large-Scale Social Restrictions. The implementation of the Scale Social Restrictions forced all universities in Indonesia to close their institutes and conduct lectures online. Online lectures are considered as a solution... Selengkapnya
The quality of human resources is one of the supporting factors to improve the progress and sustainability of an organization or company. Work culture is one indicator of the good and bad quality of human resources. Therefore, it is important to apply a work culture to every existing human... Selengkapnya
The effect of digital transmission impairments is seen from a diagram called an eye pattern. Measurements of the device can be represented in a simulation. Our motivation in conducting this simulation aims to dig deeper into the variation of parameter changes that exist in improving the eye pattern... Selengkapnya